Give It All To Jesus Ministries
Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.    1 Peter 5:7

"Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."
                                1 Peter 5:7

Women's Literature


Evangelist Carol Hamilton’s Book Recommendations


Becoming A Vessel God Can Use

By Donna Partow


Partow, Donna Becoming A Vessel God Can Use Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers, 1996            

Becoming A Vessel God Can Use is for every woman who wants to be used by God.  I remember going through this book learning scriptures for memorization that began to lift me up. I learned how to believe and trust my God for the power and ability to do the ministry work.  The ten week journey encourages and builds your faith to new levels in Christ Jesus.  Donna Partow allows the Lord to use her to equip women for their ministry assignment.  Becoming A Vessel God Can Use is an excellent book for small group study or individual study. It offers hope, laughter, and transformation to women who long to discover new confidence and significance.





Becoming God’s Special Woman Develop Self-Worth His Way

By Jo Berry


Berry, Jo Becoming God’s Special Woman – Develop Self-Worth His Way New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1986


      Becoming God’s Special Woman is a divinely inspired literary work by Jo Berry for every woman who finds herself asking questions about herself. As I read and worked through many of the pages I discovered that my self-esteem was healthier then I thought as it relates to becoming God’s special woman.  This workbook will show you how to understand and cultivate self-esteem, worth, image, and identity. Lastly, learn how to discover your true value by focusing on your loving Creator, for He is the source of self-worth. Remember. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”




A Woman’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare

                                  By Quin Sherrer and RuthAnne Garlock


Sherrer, Quin & Garlock, Ruthanne A Woman’s Guide To Spiritual Warfare  Michigan: Servant Publications, 1991


I recommend this book because in your life time, you will be faced with problems that as Paul says in the book of Galatians 6 chapter, “You must put on the whole armor of God” and that is to do battle against your enemy the devil.  The blurb put it this way-


A woman’s place is in the war.  A son’s drug addiction. A    daughter’s abortion. A Husband’s failed business.  A friend’s adulterous affair. Depression. Fear. Illness.

Women everywhere face battles that threaten to overwhelm them and those they love.  But what can one woman do?

A woman’s guide to spiritual warfare will help you learn to use God’s tremendous spiritual power to resist the enemy. Learn how to:

·        Break cycles of bondage and weakness in your family history.

·        Make your home a spiritual refuge.

·        Fight for the health of your marriage.


Whether we like it or not, there is a war going on around us.  God has given women places on the battle front.  This book will help you to take your place with confidence.


          Heart to Heart with Pastors’ Wives

Compiled by Lynn Dugan


Dugan, Lynne Heart to Heart With Pastors Wives California: Regal Books, 1994


            Heart to Heart with Pastor’s Wives is for every pastor’s wife that may need encouragement.  Sometimes we think we have it altogether, but there are times when life just throws you a curveball.  We need to know someone has gone through what we are facing so we can be reassured that it’s OK!


          I found that to be true as I tried to figure out what God’s plan for my life was.  Instead I found myself frustrated and sometimes irritated because I had no one to talk to.  But as I read “Heart to Heart”, I found many of the women gave me comfort and a peace to know I wasn’t alone.


          You may not need every topic but you will find what you need for what you may be going through now.


Promises, Promises --

Understanding & Encouraging Your Husband


Written by the wives of 12 Prominent Christian Leaders


Green, Marijean and Wilkinson, Darlene Promises Promises-Understanding & Encouraging Your Husband Oregan: Vision House Publishing, Inc., 1996


            Many times women who are married to Christian leaders don’t think they have a significant role in their lives.  But I’m here to let you know, You Do!  The women in this book let you know how to be the helpmeet that God ordained you to be.  You’ll gain biblical insight in the chapters: “A wife’s role”, “Building a strong Marriage”, and “Stand By Your Man”.  They cover these subjects well with questions for discussion at the end of each topic.  This is a good way for wives to get together.


          Promises, Promises is overflowing with many instructional and inspirational topics for all women involved in kingdom business to share and discuss.


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